Sabtu, 27 Februari 2021

journal day nine

it's craaaaaayyyzeeee nine days of writing daily journal.. i thought my everyday routine was nothing but trash..

without further ado, ok lesgo lesgooo

yesterday was so healing, why? cuz its boring. i was doin' nothing just chill in ma bedroom with cats and music. after finished my business in the kitchen I literally just enjoy my time. nothing happened yesterday.

aahh i remember, DAY6 will COMEBACK. i told you this yesterday. 

i spent my time to read journal and some books. after that i watched youtube, surfing on the internet and stay in twitterland. 

before, i mentioned about cats in my neighbourhood. i'll tell you about them despite of my boring stories.

actually, my cat or my bossy cat is tomeng. i found him in 2019 maybe circa august if i'm not mistaken. he was so little and active. at first, tomeng was not mine, he was cared by Ati, the girl lived on second floor. this girl went home for her wedding day and she left tomeng alone. then he came to my room, playing around, eat, sleep and finally i felt in love with him. he became member of this room 😹since then i knew love is real but he cant love me back tbh 😑I definitely can tell you about tomeng for an hour but i think now isn't the rite time. next time i will.

tomeng after ate whiskas

second, we have mantel. i already told you a little about her. she does not belong to me for sure but i like her. she accompanies me almost all the time, even now when i write this post. maybe because she is female so she does not like go out a lot like tomeng. when tomeng is doing his time, journey, find female or others, mentel always with me. the thing is why i am not take her yet as my pet is because i'm worried i can't give her as best as i gave tomeng, such as food, time, and love. i take her as long as i can. so here she is

she's sleeping on my table right in front of me, right now

then, we have lots of stray cats which always come to my room everyday to be fed 😂I named them for me. 

batman, handsome but dangerous

batman, i call him just like that since he look like one, see the eyes? like he wears batman's mask rite? 😆he is the real boss around here. even tomeng cant beat him. he used to be pet by someone but then abandoned. he is tame and friendly, he seems to be mixed between persian (i'm not sure if persian or other kind) cat and domestic. if he washed and clean he look like fancy cat on instagram. also he loooovee to fight and mate. 😵

behind batman is mamak tompel. yes, she is the mother that left her three children. she meows loudly, like "FEEEEDDDD MEEEEEEEE NOOWWWWW YOUUUU SERVANT!" she like to be petted before eat. 

morning food for mamak tompel

next, there is nina. black sweet little kitten and her mama, mama loreng. this two are my friend's cat. but everytime they're hungry idk why they come to my room and ask for food. they're both are so loud, gosh 😅. mama loreng and mama tompel is sister. i saw them last year when c0vv1t spreaded. mama loreng was burnt on the one side of her body. i cant help her since she didn't want anybody around. i thought she couldn't survive but here she is, healthy and fat 😅she gave birth to couple of kitten but some of them didn't make it, nina is the only child now. they're so cute together, mama loreng loves nina so much much much. nina is 4 months old but her mom still with her and spoil her everytime. i hope they together for a long time. oh ya, mama loreng got sterilised last month. i try to get all strays here to be sterilised, i still collect the money. wish me luck.

nina and her mom

cute little nina, the only left child

mama loreng was sterilised

go on, there is kerincing. i wonder if he is tomeng brothers cuz they both look similar. i call him kerincing because he had a collar and there was only him wearing that. now the collar gone, i think the owner also left him 😢kerincing is shy boy, he doesn't trust anyone. even me i cant be too near, he will run. he is untouchable. but recently, he always meowing at me if he wants food. he barely speak or meowing before. kerincing also tomeng's enemy. they fight a lot!

kerincing, shy boi eat bolt in the dawn

last but not least, here we goooo. he is scabby. a very stray boi with a lot of scar on him. he is very untouchable! i named him scabby since he suffer scabies all around his face and neck. when tomeng is very young like 4 or 6 months, scabby was the first adult cats which bullied him a lot. i used to hate scabby but now i feel sorry for him. it must be so hard fighting alone in the street without owner and have lot of scar and scabies. poor you scabby 😿. i want to take him to the doctor but he is once again so untouchable, even when he eats he always aware. 

very wild scabby

hmmm.. i think its all for today. there is more cats actually beside of them such as kucingnya mba sri, sodaranya mentel, the strays that unnamed outside my area. but i don't have the pictures. and story today was quite long, isn't it?

i hope all of you, who read this article can love cats more at least don't hurt and harm them, i beg you. just let them go if you don't like them. i am thankful if you like cats and want to give them food. and please, if you want a cat just adopt they that close to you. don't buy. because there is more cats need food and love.

see you tomorrow 😺

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